Could your dealer sales presentations be less boring?

Do you give sales presentations to your dealers or resellers? Presentations talking about your product’s performance specs and how great your stuff is. 

I’ve sat through a lot of these dealer/reseller presentations…and most are pretty bad. Here are three ideas you can do to improve the persuasiveness of your team’s presentations.

Idea #1 – Make your visuals readable. Too many presenters just convert their printed brochures into slides with massive amounts of copy. How effective is a presentation when people in the middle of the room can’t read your slides? Try less than 16 words on a slide and only one or two photos.

Idea #2 – Focus your dealer/reseller’s business challenges. Most presenters just talk about their company and products and little about their dealer/reseller’s pricing challenges selling against your competition.

Ever sit through a presentation where they only talked about how great their products are? They describe all their features and benefits but never share solutions to dealing with the competitive pricing and selling challenges your dealers/resellers are facing.

Idea #3 – Make your presentations interactive. Too many presenters do all the talking. An interactive presentation will help your audience be more engaged and more motivated to sell more of your stuff!

Join me as I share three ideas you can use to increase the persuasiveness and impact of your dealer/reseller presentations…so your team can sell even more!

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