Could your reps sell more using the “Double Close?

An idea to make your team even more successful, especially with long-term customers, is to use the idea of a “Double Close.”

Toward the end of your presentation (your 3rd step of your sales call after 1st lowering resistance and 2nd asking questions), ask your buyer a traditional closing question such as “Is this something that would fit? Would you like to progress with this?” Or “Is this something you’d like to order?” After your closing, your 5th and normally final step is to get your buyer to agree when best to follow up with them.

The ”Double Close” is used when dealing with a long-term customer and involves you adding a 6th step to your normal five-stepped sales call. This sixth step is adding a second close asking your buyer about their overall satisfaction with your products and company.

It’s asking “So how are we doing? Are we helping you? Are we bringing you solutions? What else could we be doing to be of even more value and help to you?”

This 6th step/2nd close is a way to validate with your buyer that everything’s okay and gives them a chance to hopefully provide you with some feedback. 

Today’s video shares how using this “Double Close” with your longer-term customers can help provide valuable customer feedback and might even help you and your team sell even more!

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