Do all of your employees understand and realize they’re in sales?

Every employee of your company who interacts with a customer in any way, whether they realize it or not, is in sales. They’re in a sales position because they have a chance to impact your brand, impact your customer loyalty and impact your company’s reputation by what they do or say.

It doesn’t matter what their job title or position is. If they interact in any way with your prospects or buyers, they’re definitely part of your sales team whether working as a driver, inside sales rep, counter person or receptionist. 

How much persuasive training have you given these critical members of your team? What they say to a client could either affirm and build your brand, or they can single-handedly destroy years of buyer loyalty.

What can you do to offer simple training on how to respond to buyer’s questions (especially when they don’t know the answer), how to handle a buyer’s complaints and even how to offer a buyer help and support. These are skills most people don’t develop naturally on their own. Instead, these skills and best practices need to be defined, taught and practiced. 

What can you do to make sure all of the non-traditional salespeople in your company understand their persuasive role, understand their impact, and understand their ability to contribute to your team’s efforts to maintain your customers.

Join me as I share ideas you can use to strengthen your entire sales team, as well as your company brand…so you can sell even more!

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