Do you agree these are the four best ways to strengthen your team’s selling success?

Improving the following four skills can have the most impact increasing your team’s competitive selling advantage and selling success:

1st – Improve your message of uniqueness. The toughest buyer question is “Why, based on all my competitive options, do I want to buy from you? What can you do to develop a stronger and more effective response?

2nd – Increase account planning. The majority of reps act like “Hell-are-we Birds.” That’s a three-foot bird living in four-foot grass spending it’s entire life asking “Where the hell are we?” The goal of account planning is to help your team think and plan more moves ahead in how they can impact their buyers (and also outsell your competition).

3rd – Organize year into selling campaigns. Most reps keep asking their buyers the same four questions… “Anything you need? Anything coming up? Anything I can help with? And “How’s the family? Break up your year into selling campaigns (usually lasting thirty days). The goal is to improve their persuasiveness having something different to say, breaking up the monotony of asking and saying the same things on every call. 

4th – Conduct selling skills training. Selling has changed dramatically in just the last five to seven years. What are you doing to help your team utilize the latest (and most effective) skills of selling?

Join me as I share these four critical selling skills…and how improving them could help your team sell even more!

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