Do you have too many “Independent Gunfighters” on your sales team?

Is your sales team made up of a bunch of independent gunfighters, each doing their own thing, or are you running a SWAT team? The old days of selling involved hiring a bunch of independent gunfighters for their ability to sell. Little sales training was done because you assumed you hired experienced gunfighters. 

Each gun fighter sold differently, each delivered a different message, and even sold different items within your product lines. But, as long as they were making money, everybody was happy.

The reality of what works in selling today is rapidly changing. Are you dealing with more aggressive competitors, increased demands from your customers about your uniqueness and value? How much pricing pressures are you receiving from your competitors?

We need to improve our selling efficiency, effectiveness and consistency if we expect to win business today. Our expected sales numbers are just too great today to include these inefficient, independent gunfighters. We have too much to sell in too little time to have everyone doing and saying something different.

What can you do to make sure your team is performing as a single team, sharing one consistent message of value, and that they are following similar steps and processes of selling?

Join me as I share how you can sell a lot more when you function as an organized SWAT Team, instead of just trying to wrangle a bunch of independent gunfighters.

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