Do your people see you as a Sergeant Major or as a General?

How are you functioning as the leader of your sales team? Are you functioning as a Sergeant Major…or a General? And the way we can help you achieve success managing your team is by making sure you have the proper philosophy of sales leadership.

A challenge in business today is that too many sales leaders are functioning more like Sergeant Majors. In the military, a Sergeant Major is a very front-line position. They lead a very small number of soldiers into battle. They carry a gun. They’re fighting.

A General might not even carry a weapon. A General isn’t in the minute-by-minute, day-to-day fight, their job is to make sure all of their soldiers have all the resources, the direction and the strategy they need to be able to win.

My concern as a consultant is that too many sales managers are functioning as Sergeant Majors. When they go on a sales call with a sales rep they’re going to sell. They want to close business. They’ll actually take the sales call away from the salesperson if they don’t feel the call is going too well (because they know how to do it better).

We need to be careful we don’t micro-manage our people and take over their job. We need to play our position. And the best position for a sales manager is that of a General. You’re there, you’re in the thick of it, but you’re not fighting. You’re looking for opportunities to help improve things

Join me as I share how you can be functioning more like a General…so your team can sell even more!

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