Do Your reps know how to get out of a sales call that’s not going very well?

How effective are your salespeople at getting out of a sales call that’s not going very well? Look at all the training other Industries give their people. Astronauts do extensive training on what to do if something goes wrong. They practice how to safely escape when there’s a problem.

We need to make sure our salespeople have that same kind of escaping skills training of what to do if and when a call is not going well. It might be that your customer is upset or distracted. It could be the call’s just not going the way it should go.

We need to make sure our salespeople know how to safely bail from these crashing calls so they can still keep talking to the customer. The goal is to still be able to keep that connection so they can come back later and correct or improve what happened.

Selling is a multiple-stepped process, not a single-call event. We need to make sure we

maintain this customer’s (or prospect’s) relationship over multiple calls if we really want to win (and grow) their business long-term.

What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to discuss and role-play the best ways to bail out of a call…so you can live to sell another day?

Join me as I talk about the importance of having identified and practiced what to do when a sales call isn’t going well and you need to bail. Bet building these escape skills can help your team sell even more!

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