Do your reps know the four steps to persuasively handling any objection?

One of the best ways to increase your persuasiveness success is by improving how you handle a buyer’s objections. 

There are four simple steps to handling any objection. These four steps are really just following the steps of a sales call. The four steps to persuasively handling an objection include:

Step 1 – Lower their resistance. An objection is not supposed to be a fight. When a buyer offers an objection we have to first lower their resistance by affirming their concern (without actually agreeing with them). Comments like “Others have had the same concern…” are great starts to lowering a buyer’s resistance so you can deliver an effective response

Step 2 – Ask questions so you can learn more about how and why your buyer is concerned

Step 3 – Present your solution to their objection/concern. This is where you explain how and why your buyer’s objection are really not that great a concern

Step 4 – Close seeking agreement/acceptance – After we present our response (or solution) we next need to get agreement their original objection is not really a concern.

This is a great time as a sales leader to help your people improve their objection handling skills. Discussing best responses and rehearsing practice sales calls are some of the best ways to enhance your team’s selling success.

Join me as I share how your reps can improve their ability to persuasively respond to buyer objections by following these four simple steps…to help you sell even more!

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