Have you tried the four best ways to be a stronger sales coach and leader?

There’re four critical sales leadership concepts, when implemented, that can make you a stronger coach and leader.

1st – Be more positive. People only tend to change when given positive feedback. Would you like to work for a manager only giving you negative comments and feedback? Your goal is to affirm at the same time you help them understand how they can improve. 

2nd – Coach tactically. A key to success is getting your reps to think and plan more moves ahead. Your job as a coach is to get your team thinking and planning more moves ahead so you can out-position and out-think your competition.

3rd – Coach strategically by helping your reps communicate a stronger message describing your value and uniqueness. How are you improving their response to a buyer asking “Why based on all the competitive options available to me, do I want to buy from you?” 

4th – Stay future focused. You still need to manage and track all the financials and “today-focused” problems your reps continue to bring you. You’ll achieve more coaching success when you’re able to talk more about what they need to be doing next vs only focusing on what they did wrong.

Think being more positive as well as thinking more tactically, strategically and more future-focused can make you a better coach and leader of your team?

Join me as I share the best four leadership skills that can have the greatest impact on your ability to lead your team…so they can sell even more!

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