How do you treat your competition?

Basketball teams walk a line to high five their competitors after a game.

We share so much in common with Special Olympic athletes. No matter what their challenges, they continue working hard to do their best. 

As a Special Olympics volunteer photographer for over 20 years and 200 different competitive events photographed, I get to observe through my camera lens how these athletes compete, win and handle losing.

At Special Olympics there is a culture and belief exemplified through their athlete’s oath of “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” Are you as gracious with your strongest competitors?

Last weekend was the annual Area 10 Basketball competitions. What was so impressive was how the athletes react to each other before, during and after their games. Win or lose, all congratulated each other on a great game. There were no negatives, no animosity, only friendship and support. When a player fell, it was usually the opponent that was the first to offer them a hand up.

Do you think these amazing Special Olympics attitudes can serve as an example to your team?

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