How effective are your reps at handling objections from their buyers?

Too many sales leaders do little to help their reps improve their objection-handling skills. How much coaching and training have you invested lately in how to best handle the most common objections being heard by your team?

A great way to help reps be more persuasive (and sell even more) is to strengthen their objection-handling skills. No matter what you sell, the majority of buyer/prospect objections tend to be very consistent. Buyers all complain about the same things and have the same concerns when they’re shown something new. But most companies don’t consistently work with their salespeople to build their skills handling all the standard objections they are hearing.

What are you doing, as their leader, to help your people become more effective and persuasive in how they handle objections? Next sales meeting consider building a list of the top 10 objections your team is hearing and then work to develop the best possible responses to each of those 10. Next time they get those objections they can now deliver the most persuasive answer possible. 

Join me as I share how you can help strengthen your team’s ability to persuasively handle objections… so they can sell even more!

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