How many customers are you ‘One car wreck’ away from losing?

As a sales consultant, I evaluate a lot of sales territories and selling efforts. I’ve found the average rep has over half their territory exposed due to only having one contact. They might be calling on the owner or main buyer, but they still only have one contact with no other connections. What are the chances you’ll keep this business if your main contact dies, gets promoted or fired?

One of the ways you can improve your rep’s account stability is to make sure they’re talking to more than just their main buyer. They need to have a secondary level of connections so if their main buyer is gone you don’t also lose their business.

What can you do to make sure your reps add more stability to their territory by expanding their buyer connectivity?

Join me as we talk about how to help your team get higher, wider and deeper into all their important accounts…so you can sell even more!

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