How many good prospects are your reps driving by each day without stopping?

How many potential prospects are your reps driving by and ignoring each day? And how many potential selling opportunities are they not pursuing because several years ago that prospect said they weren’t interested? 

Our economy is definitely improving, and most markets continue to strengthen. Buyers are starting to do more buying. What a spectacular time to be prospecting!

The challenge for most salespeople is they don’t think about prospecting in the daily aspects of doing their job. How many different customers or prospects do your salespeople drive by just to get to the customers they’re calling on?

In the old days we used to call it “Smokestack Hunting.” Salespeople would just drive around a business complex or industrial park looking for new companies to identify or call on. Reps might not have even stop at these newly identified prospects, but wrote down the company names so they could do research to identify whom to try reaching.

Your sales team members are likely driving past new prospects every day. What are you going to do as their sales manager, to help them become more aware to look for, and even stop in to meet, these new selling opportunities?

Join me as I offer ideas to help reignite at least some of these prospects your team has walked away from in the past. After all, it might help you and your team sell even more!

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