If a top sales team member left, would they take all of your customer data with them?

A client recently had a major crisis. One of their top sales reps left going to work for a competitor. When my client checked out what was happening in that departing rep’s territory, they discovered they had little usable information. 

They had a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. They had customer contact names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. What was missing was diary lines of what was said in past calls and what selling opportunities were active.

The newly hired replacement sales rep was trying to save/keep as much business as possible. The challenge was they had little information to go on. They had no idea what projects were open or were being pursued and no idea of any active new application opportunities. They had no important data on any of these accounts exposing them to tremendous competitive exposure.

What can you do to review your CRM system data and to check your rep’s files? Is there account data complete enough?  If you lose a sales rep, either because of natural causes (they died), or unnatural causes (going to work for a competitor), what can you do to insure you have all the history and data you need so you and your team don’t also lose business because you lost your rep?

Join me as we discuss if you and your team have all the captured information you need to insure you keep the business…even if you lose the rep.

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