Is the Internet screwing things up for your reps?

How many of your buyers are doing more research and know more about your products than your reps do? 

Customers are doing their own research today before talking to a salesperson. They’re also delaying when they bring salespeople into their evaluation and decision process.

By the time a prospect or customer talks to one of your reps, especially if you’re a distributor carrying a broad product line, there’s a good chance they’re going to be more researched and prepared to talk about this product than your rep.

Any of your reps ever find themselves in the uncomfortable situation of having a customer know more about the strengths and weaknesses of their product?

Think this could be a good time to work with your team to improve their technical product knowledge and competitive awareness? What about reviewing the best questions to ask when scheduling a customer appointment to help identify what product specs you need to be prepared to discuss?

Today’s video explains how and why customers today are doing a lot more preparation and research for any sales call, and what your team needs to be doing to keep up…so they can sell even more!

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