Is your ego getting in the way of your success as a sales leader?

When you can get a sales rep more excited and more confident in what they’re doing, they’ll tend to sell more. So when you’re promoted to sales management, your job of leadership is no longer about you. It’s about what you do to help your people.

Effective sales leadership requires you to assume a secondary support role. Your job is to build up others. If somebody makes a great sale, you can’t say, “my team did a great job” but instead need to put the attention and recognition on that salesperson for the successful job they did. 

Your success as a sales leader is not based on what you do. Your job is based on how you help your team do even more. And to do that, you need to make sure you focus on building up their egos, not your own.

Today’s video talks about this challenge of how sales leaders with large ego’s hinder their ability to motivate their team. When we focus on building the egos of our sales reps…they tend to sell even more!

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