Want to be more effective delivering negative feedback to your reps?

What can you do to make sure when giving feedback to your people, especially if it’s negative feedback, it’s given in a positive way that helps them improve and enhance their behaviors?

Focus on the tasks and actions you’re critiquing instead of focusing on their personal attitude or behaviors. Saying “I have a problem with how you’re behaving,” or “I don’t think you have the right attitude” means you’re focusing on personal critiques likely causing them to shut down and stop listening. 

The less personal they feel your critiques, the more likely they’ll continue listening and considering your concerns. Make sure you also share what they’re doing right. Even if the only positive is, “I know you’re trying hard.”  

Make sure you leave your conversation outlining specific steps or actions you want taken and when you want them reporting back to you. You need to have concrete results coming from your feedback to make sure you can measure and improve their behaviors.

Today’s video talks about how to have your negative feedback to your team accepted, and even adjusted, by balancing your comments to point out what you think they’re doing right as well as what you most want them to change and improve. Improving how you give negative feedback could help your team sell even more!

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