Who first published the steps of a sales call?

There’s a great book titled “Birth of a Salesman” that researched the first time the steps of a sales call were ever published. Any guess which company, in 1925, was the first to publish?

Ford Motor Company was the first to publish the steps in their sales manual selling Model T Ford cars. It’s interesting that even though these were published 100 years ago, they’re still fairly accurate to today’s selling standards.

As the leader of your sales team, what are you doing to make sure your team truly understands and utilizes the more modern version of 1st lowering resistance, 2nd asking questions, 3rd presenting, 4th closing and then 5th and finally agreeing and setting up

your next contact? 

Today’s video shares the original visual diagram of Ford Motor Company’s steps of a sales call. Check it out! When you increase your selling consistency you’ll likely sell even more!

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