Are any of your reps just ‘Event sellers?

How many of your salespeople are selling as event sellers? Event sellers only focus on making (and closing) the immediate sale without regard for future selling opportunities. They do nothing to set up or position either their company or future additional products or applications.

There’s a high probability the majority of your business is repeat business. We need to make sure we continue to open up new doors whenever selling something to a customer today. The goal is to position your future offerings so buyers want to continue talking with you, and continue to buy. You want them to keep positioning the rest of your products or solutions that can benefit your buyer as you sell that next item. 

What can you do to coach your team members to better understand and see they are really in more of a multiple-stepped process than any type of individual product sold? Thinking and planning multiple moves ahead is a key to winning long term business. As they’re selling (and closing) on one product, you also want them thinking and planning multiple moves ahead so their next sales call feeds and benefits their next product to be sold.

What can you do to increase your team’s process selling (and account planning) so they out-think, out-plan, and ultimately out-sell your competition?

Join me as I offer ideas on how your reps can stop being event sellers and instead think and plan multiple moves ahead so they can sell even more!

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