What percent of the time are your prices higher than your competitors? The majority of my consulting and training clients are consistently the higher priced option in their markets due to offering higher quality products, better customer support, and carrying more inventory. But they also receive a lot of pricing pressure from their buyers.
If you’re like them and are normally a higher price, when are you going to start bragging about your higher prices? Too many salespeople hide their pricing in their proposal so their buyer has to discover their higher prices.
Markets today are not price driven, their value driven. First thing buyers look for today in both their business and personal buying is “Do I see a difference in value?” The more of a differential in value they see, the higher the price they’ll be winning to pay.
By identifying your likely higher prices earlier in your selling process, you can begin positioning your message of “higher price, but also lower total cost.” You might consider saying “We need to talk to see if this is going to be relevant because I’m pretty sure we’re not going to be your lowest price, but, if given the chance, we can show you how we can support and maintain what you’re doing to prove we’re your lowest total cost.”
Join me as I talk about how you can start bragging about your pricing as a way to increase your competitive advantage…and sell even more!