Are you taking full advantage of your time riding with your sales reps

How often are you riding with your sales reps? Are you maximizing this time with your reps to observe and coach their selling skills? 

Today successful sales leadership is based on more than just supporting your salespeople with special pricing, expediting, problem solving and customer thank you calls. Leaders today need to be spending more time increasing their proactive coaching and leading.

One of the best times to do effective coaching is when you’re riding with your rep in their car making sales calls. The most important time when you ride with your sales reps is frankly not when you’re in front of a customer as much as it is the time in between the calls when you can discuss their accounts, review their multiple-step selling plans, and how they’re positioning their message of uniqueness.

Think on your next ride-with time with your reps you can spend less time talking with others on your cell phone in between calls, and more time asking questions and offering suggestions to your rep?

Selling success today is based on effective coaching. And effective coaching is based on you being a more proactive and involved coach and leader of your team.

Join me as I share how you, as the leader of your team, can use your time riding with your reps to coach and strengthen their selling opportunities, awareness, and effectiveness. Do that and I’m sure they’ll be able to sell even more!

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