Jim Pancero

Do your reps really understand how your buyers measure success?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Do your reps really understand how your buyers measure success?" on the right.

Most salespeople believe they know their customers. They feel they know their buyer’s motivations and what they want from their suppliers. The problem for most though is these assumptions or biases by the salespeople (or their company) are not necessarily the reality of where their customer are or what they are wanting.

Do your reps really understand how your buyers measure success? MORE »

Could this idea help your new-hires better understand everyone’s roles in your company?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Could this idea help your new-hires better understand everyone’s roles in your company?" on the right.

The reality is most companies do a really weak job onboarding a new employee. Too many organizations put little thought into this even though they are potentially impacting the motivational environment of their organization.

Could this idea help your new-hires better understand everyone’s roles in your company? MORE »

Can you gain a competitive edge by talking about helping your buyers gain a competitive advantage?”

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Can you gain a competitive edge by talking more about 'lowering risk?'" on the right.

Join me as I talk about how you and your team can be sharing more about how you can improve your buyer’s business by helping improve their competitive advantage. It just might help you sell even more!

Can you gain a competitive edge by talking about helping your buyers gain a competitive advantage?” MORE »

Can you gain a competitive advantage by talking about the core buying value of “lowering my risk?”

Graphic showing Jim Pancero with a "Lower risk" slide over his right shoulder.

Join me as I share ideas on how you can work with your team to better understand the four core values of selling…and how to best utilize “lowing your risk” to describe why anyone would want to buy your products or services.

Can you gain a competitive advantage by talking about the core buying value of “lowering my risk?” MORE »

Who’s coaching you to become a stronger leader of your sales team?

Screenshot of Jim Pancero talking in the “Who’s coaching you to become a stronger leader of your sales team?” video.

How much training and coaching did you receive when you were first promoted to sales leader? Who helped you understand how to effectively motivate sales professionals? How to coach someone through their multiple-stepped selling processes? How to help reps develop effective account strategies? 

Who’s coaching you to become a stronger leader of your sales team? MORE »

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