You Can Always Sell More!

Increasing your competitive edge

Are you thinking you just can’t motivate our youngest workers?

You likely are interacting (and trying to motivate) all four generations in the workforce today… Boomers (Over 58 yrs old), Gen X’ers (Over 42), Millennials (Over 27) and Gen Z’s (under 27). Have you often heard from managers “you just can’t motivate our youngest workers?” Join me as I share how other management teams re

Are you thinking you just can’t motivate our youngest workers? MORE »

Are your reps selling with a “Ready – Fire – Aim” sales philosophy?

How much pre-work or pre-planning are your sales reps doing to help increase their chances of winning the business? Join me as I offer some ideas of how you, as the leader of your team, can help your team think and plan multiple moves ahead…and selling on purpose!

Are your reps selling with a “Ready – Fire – Aim” sales philosophy? MORE »

How many sales pros are you losing to “The Great Resignation?”

These are volatile times where a record number of workers are changing jobs. What are you doing as a sales leader to insure all the members of your sales team are happy with their job and working or you? Join me as I share some ideas you can use to hopefully increase your team’s loyalty

How many sales pros are you losing to “The Great Resignation?” MORE »

Selling success in 2022 Idea #8 – Are your sales reps capturing all the customer info you want and need to sell even more?

How organized and complete is your customer information that’s maintained by your sales reps? Join me as I share how you can evaluate and strengthen your team’s information controls so you can sell even more! Want to strengthen your sales team for 2022? All my January postings (Monday & Friday) are meant to help you

Selling success in 2022 Idea #8 – Are your sales reps capturing all the customer info you want and need to sell even more? MORE »

Selling success in 2022 Idea #7 – Could your team carve out more time to sell?

2021 was a tough, yet profitable, selling year for most sales professionals. Supply chain interruptions, delivery delays and slow deliveries meant most reps spent most of their time apologizing and supporting their upset customers. Join me as I share the components of any solid sales call…and what your team can be doing to sell even

Selling success in 2022 Idea #7 – Could your team carve out more time to sell? MORE »

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