I didn’t know you did that!
Are your customers really aware of everything you sell? How often are your salespeople hearing “I didn’t know you did that!” from your prospects or customers?
I didn’t know you did that! MORE »
Increasing your competitive edge
Are your customers really aware of everything you sell? How often are your salespeople hearing “I didn’t know you did that!” from your prospects or customers?
I didn’t know you did that! MORE »
Service has evolved over the last 15 years. Are your current service levels really helping increase your competitive advantage?
Are your service levels actually contributing to your competitive advantage? MORE »
What steps are you teaching your team? There are five steps of a sales call…
Are you teaching the wrong steps of a sales call? MORE »
When a customer complains, are your team members asking “What did we do?” (A “Single Enterprise” approach) or “What did they do?” (A “Siloed” approach)?
Is your team supporting your customers as independent silos or as a single enterprise? MORE »
Most reps can talk about how they save a buyer money. But collapse when asked to prove on paper why paying more with you will save them money.
Can your team prove your “Higher price – lower total cost? MORE »
Product knowledge is the first level of competitive awareness. Knowing their features and benefits compared to what you sell. 90% of all reps have strong product competitive awareness.
How strong is your team’s competitive awareness? MORE »
As a sales consultant, I evaluate a lot of sales territories and selling efforts. I’ve found the average rep has over half their territory exposed due to only having one contact.
How many customers are you ‘One car wreck’ away from losing? MORE »
How many of your buyers are saying “If we’re interested we’ll call you.” (and then never calls).
Today’s video talks about how your team can realign and refocus these four critical selling skills for sustained success today.
What can you do, as the leader of your team, to make sure your salespeople have all of the tools and sales aids necessary for them to maximize their persuasiveness?
Could using stronger sales aids increase the selling effectiveness of your team? MORE »