Could your reps sell more using the “Double Close?”

Think your reps could be more persuasive and effective using the “Double Close?” 

If we look at the steps of a sales call, first you lower resistance, next you ask questions, then you present your suggestions/solutions, next you ask for the order (or some type of commitment) and then set up your next contact with that buyer.

Especially with long-term customers, you can increase your persuasiveness by applying the double close as an extra, final step.  As the sales rep, you complete all five steps of these steps (as outlined above). As you’re getting ready to leave, your last question is to ask a final closing question such as:

  • – “How we doing?”
  • – “Are we bringing you solutions that are helping?”
  • – “What else can we be doing to be of even more value and help?”

This final close is not focused on your products or services, it instead is asking about your buyer’s overall satisfaction with you and your company. It’s a great way to make sure you validate how things are going and that everything’s okay. This also, if you’re open and don’t push back, can be a great way to learn how you could be of even more value to your buyers.

Join me as I share how using the “Double Close” can strengthen your customer’s long-term satisfaction and loyalty…so you can sell even more!

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