Mueller Company – Testimonial

We hired Jim Pancero to come in and give us some sales training. Our group has been in technical sales for many, many years and to try to overcome that we needed some expert assistance in that and Jim did a great job. He came and helped us, he challenged our thinking our thinking quite a bit.

He started out by just a few phone call discussions to learn our business and from that he developed a workbook around our strategy and where we wanted to go with branding. Then he visited our shop as a follow-up so he could understand our business better and as a result he put a great program together for us. Many people enjoyed it. Just a half-day session, but fast-paced, kept it moving, very entergetic and very passionate about what he does.

From it we learned we certainly have a lot of work to do, but we know the path we're going to be on and he developed a good map for us to get there. So, we thank him for all his time.

- Cary Kapper, General Manager of Mueller BioPharm & PyroPure Systems

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