Are you still a student of selling?

The profession of selling is experiencing some pretty tough times. We have less time in front of customers. Customers don’t respect salespeople like they used to. Buyers assume all products are generic and believe there are very few differences between vendors. 

How are your salespeople making these challenges turn into success? This is the time when you and your team need to become stronger students of selling.

Most salespeople have spent their careers being intuitive product experts good at building relationships. They can answer their customer’s questions and identify solutions when asked to help. 

But intuitive product experts are not proactively doing as much as they need to. They don’t have control of their calls by understanding the steps of a sales call. They’re also not working on their multiple-stepped “Identify to close” selling process.

Since sales has gotten tougher, salespeople need to keep increasing their skills of selling so they stay competitive. Are your reps reading the latest books on selling? Are they checking out the latest sales podcasts, or looking at video clips like mine, all aimed at helping you become a stronger, more effective person of sales?

Today’s video talks about how much tougher selling has become and the need for a sales team to become stronger students of selling,,, so they can sell even more!

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