Are your customers getting harder to reach?

It used to be sales reps were considered the chief new information source for a buyer. If a buyer wanted something, the first thing they did was call a sales rep. 

Because of the Internet and all the other options of communications today, we’re finding sales reps are being brought in later in the buying process. Most buyers today are doing their own independent Internet research and talking to friends before ever talking to a sales rep. Because of this “research before you talk with a rep so you don’t get taken advantage of” philosophy, buyers tend to be dodging our phone calls.

I’m finding texting more effective than calling today. Most follow the approach of calling a buyer’s cell phone. If the buyer doesn’t answer, instead of leaving a message, they hang up and send a text to their cell. Many are finding that texting a buyer is the most likely way to generate a response. 

Think your team could benefit from expanding the way they communicate with prospects and trying something different?

Today’s video talks about this challenge of reaching buyers today…and how changing the ways you’re reaching potential buyers could help you sell even more!

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