Jim Pancero

Are your reps using their cell phones as effective sales tools?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Are your reps using their cell phones as effective sales tools?” on the right.

Though cell phone video capabilities have existed for years, most salespeople are not taking advantage of this technology. The goal is to use your cell phone to capture more images of your products being utilized and satisfied customers talking about why they like doing business with you.

Are your reps using their cell phones as effective sales tools? MORE »

How much time are you really spending as a coach and leader of your sales team?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "How much time are you really spending as a coach and leader of your sales team?" on the right.

How much time do now spend fighting fires and fixing problems compared to actually coaching…and leading your team? Will you be able to spend more time this year being more of a coach conducting account planning and strategizing with your salespeople?

How much time are you really spending as a coach and leader of your sales team? MORE »

Could the “Match Test” exercise help your team deliver a stronger message of value and uniqueness to your customers?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "Can your reps deliver their message of uniqueness before burning their fingers?" on the right.

There was an old sales training exercise used for years called the “Match Test. The test involved a sales rep lighting a match and then, before they burned their fingers, having to deliver their complete message of uniqueness of why a buyer would want to buy from them.

Could the “Match Test” exercise help your team deliver a stronger message of value and uniqueness to your customers? MORE »

Could your reps do a better job presenting to your dealer, distributor, or retailer sales meetings?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "Could your reps do a better job presenting to your dealer, distributor, or retailer sales meetings?" on the right.

Do the presentations being given by your sales team to your independent distributor or dealer salespeople have the best information possible so they can do their job more effectively? 

Could your reps do a better job presenting to your dealer, distributor, or retailer sales meetings? MORE »

Do your reps just collapse into ‘Presentation Mode’ when under pressure?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "Do your reps just collapse into 'Presentation Mode' when under pressure?" to the right.

What caused your buyer to not see your extra value? It could be you have a weak message when buyers ask “Why do I want to buy from you?” It could be your reps are not proactive in how they work your buyer through the evaluation and proposals offered. What about reps not focusing on the buyer’s challenges and are just pushing their products?

Do your reps just collapse into ‘Presentation Mode’ when under pressure? MORE »

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