Jim Pancero

Are you training and motivating all the members of your sales team?

What are you doing to make sure all members of your selling efforts feel they are part of your team? Join me as I share ideas that can help strengthen your entire sales team, your drivers, inside sales and technical support people, by making sure all members of your team are proactive contributors to your […]

Are you training and motivating all the members of your sales team? MORE »

Are your reps getting maximum selling advantage from their customer plant tours?

Receiving a tour of a customer’s offices or production facilities is a major competitive selling opportunity. Are your reps getting maximum advantage from their tours of customer’s facilities? Join me as I share what your reps can do to gain more insight and competitive positioning from their customer facilities tours…so they can sell even more!

Are your reps getting maximum selling advantage from their customer plant tours? MORE »

How are you helping your reps get higher, wider, and deeper?

How many of your reps are only calling on people at the lowest customer levels who place orders but are not the decision makers? Join me as I share ideas of how you and your team can get higher, wider, and deeper within your accounts…both to stabilize your customers as well as grow your sales…so

How are you helping your reps get higher, wider, and deeper? MORE »

How persuasive and effective are your team’s presentations to your distributors and dealer’s sales meetings?

Do you sell through distributors or dealers? Do your reps make presentations to distributor or dealer sales team meetings to talk about the value and uniqueness of your products? If this is a part of your selling environment, then please join me on this video to learn how you can strengthen your presentations so they

How persuasive and effective are your team’s presentations to your distributors and dealer’s sales meetings? MORE »

How visible are you as a sales manager to your customers?

How stable are your customers under your responsibility? How visible are you as a sales manager to these customers, so if your sales rep left suddenly, you would still likely keep their business? Join me as I offer some ideas to help you stabilize and protect your customers…so your team can sell even more!

How visible are you as a sales manager to your customers? MORE »

Are you still allowing your reps to deliver price quotes without selling cover letters?

Does your quoting system produce computer-generated price quotes for your customers? What kinds of selling messages are included in the quotes your reps are delivering? Join me as I share how cover letters could strengthen your customer’s understanding of your value and uniqueness…and to help your team sell even more!

Are you still allowing your reps to deliver price quotes without selling cover letters? MORE »

What can you do to get your reps out of their comfort zones so they can sell even more!

How many of your reps are only calling on existing customers, and even the same old contacts within their existing customers? How can you possibly increase sales (and more importantly profitability) if your team does the same things, the same ways, to the same people that they did last year? Join me as I share

What can you do to get your reps out of their comfort zones so they can sell even more! MORE »

Can your reps become better storytellers to help increase their sales?

We are all more persuasive and effective when we use stories to sell. But most otherwise successful reps are not natural story tellers. How many of your reps take too long to tell a story or include too many distracting details that take away from their selling message? Join me as I share ideas of

Can your reps become better storytellers to help increase their sales? MORE »

Where is your team selling on The Competitive Pyramid and is it working?

What gives your sales team their greatest competitive edge today? And what are you doing as their coach and leader to help them advance to a higher level on the “Competitive Pyramid?” Join me as I discuss the six levels of the competitive pyramid…and what you can do to help your team advance to a

Where is your team selling on The Competitive Pyramid and is it working? MORE »

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