Jim Pancero

Can your reps deliver their message of uniqueness before they burn their fingers?

How long is it taking your reps to deliver their messages of value and uniqueness to your customers? Especially in today’s hyper-competitive world where we have less time to sell compared to as little as 5 years ago. Join me as I share an old sales training exercise meant to help your people develop, and […]

Can your reps deliver their message of uniqueness before they burn their fingers? MORE »

When your reps are under pressure, do they just collapse into “Presentation mode?”

Are your reps talking too much? Do your reps automatically go into “Presentation mode” when a buyer says they only have a few minutes to talk? Join me as I offer ideas to help your reps improve their persuasive skills even when they only have a few minutes to sell. Because after all, you can

When your reps are under pressure, do they just collapse into “Presentation mode?” MORE »

How are you helping your reps get more value out of their lost sales?

What can you do to help your reps learn, and improve, from a lost sale? What can you do to use your losses as opportunities for research, for follow-up and to help increase your team’s competitive edge? Join me as I share how you can help your reps still get significant value out of their

How are you helping your reps get more value out of their lost sales? MORE »

Want to strengthen your new sales candidate interviewing skills?

Are you learning the best information and insights when you interview new people to join your sales team? I watch two realities with most sales leaders I meet. The first reality is almost all sales managers interview at least one new salesperson for an open sales position a year. And the second reality I notice

Want to strengthen your new sales candidate interviewing skills? MORE »

How are your reps selling to today’s self-educated buyers?

Have you noticed that your sales reps are being brought in later into their customer’s buying decisions? Think any of your reps are being cut out of your buyer’s evaluation and selection decisions? Join me as I share ideas to help you coach your team through this very current selling challenge…so they can sell even

How are your reps selling to today’s self-educated buyers? MORE »

Can you help your sales team improve their persuasiveness with a wider range of buyers due to their age?

How many of your younger reps are struggling to gain respect and to be taken seriously by their older customers? And how many of your most senior reps are having a hard time selling to buyers much younger than they are? Join me as I share techniques your reps can apply to help them successfully

Can you help your sales team improve their persuasiveness with a wider range of buyers due to their age? MORE »

Can Zig Ziglar help your team “Keep pumping” and not give up?

Are your people giving up too early? How many voicemails will your reps leave before they abandon a sales lead? Zig Ziglar was famous for his motivational talk explaining how an old farm pump and selling have so much in common. Join me as I talk about what you can be doing to build the

Can Zig Ziglar help your team “Keep pumping” and not give up? MORE »

Are you training and motivating all the members of your sales team?

What are you doing to make sure all members of your selling efforts feel they are part of your team? Join me as I share ideas that can help strengthen your entire sales team, your drivers, inside sales and technical support people, by making sure all members of your team are proactive contributors to your

Are you training and motivating all the members of your sales team? MORE »

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