Jim Pancero

Is Everyone Talking to Your Customers Properly Trained and Coached?

How many different people from your company talk with your customers? Consider asking your team to evaluate and discuss two different selling scenarios. The first scenario deals with your newest customers. Ask your team how many different people from your company will talk with a new prospect (either by telephone or “face-to-face”) from the time …

Is Everyone Talking to Your Customers Properly Trained and Coached? MORE »

You Can Sell More,With a Strong Competitive Awareness

How high is your competitive awareness? On a scale of one to 10…with 10 being strongest…pick a number you feel most represents your current level of competitive awareness. Most experienced sales professionals identify their competitive awareness level as around a seven to nine…what’s your number? Having a comprehensive understanding of your competition and how they …

You Can Sell More,With a Strong Competitive Awareness MORE »

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