Jim Pancero

Is your sales leadership style the best for today’s hypercompetitive markets?

Sales leadership is changing… and the old style of sales leadership is no longer as effective as it once was. What are you doing to insure you have the strongest, and most effective management style to motivate and lead your team to increased sales? Join me as I share a template that can define the

Is your sales leadership style the best for today’s hypercompetitive markets? MORE »

What are you and your sales team ready to give up to get even better?

We’ve been experiencing a major shift in selling and buying today. Most markets are full of unfulfilled new business areas. Do your reps even have the time to take advantage of these new prospecting opportunities? Most sales reps’ plates are already full preventing them from taking advantage of new areas or accounts to sell. Join

What are you and your sales team ready to give up to get even better? MORE »

Five ideas to strengthen your interviewing skills when hiring a new sales rep.

Interviewing and hiring a new salesperson is one of the most challenging skills for any sales manager…and a skill most managers have never received training or coaching. Join me as I share five key ideas you can use to help you become more persuasive and effective with your interviewing skills so can find, and hire,

Five ideas to strengthen your interviewing skills when hiring a new sales rep. MORE »

Could you increase your sales by better understanding what your buyers really want from you today?

Post-COVID, several buyers are re-evaluating and redefining what they want most from the vendors and sales reps calling on them. How comfortable are you that you and your team really know what your buyers are wanting and expecting today from the people calling on them? Join me as I share three immediately implementable ideas that

Could you increase your sales by better understanding what your buyers really want from you today? MORE »

Four ideas to take your customer presentations to the next level.

As business continues to open, more salespeople are again starting to give presentations to their prospects, customers or dealers. How persuasive are your team’s slides? Join me as I share four immediately implementable ideas of how you and your team can improve their persuasiveness…and effectiveness of your next slide presentation!

Four ideas to take your customer presentations to the next level. MORE »

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