Can you gain a better understanding of your buyers’ wants and needs?

Ever notice how the majority of salespeople feel they have a solid understanding of what their customers want and need…even if it’s based on years-old information? Most are doing little current research today to better understand their buyers’ needs and motivations.

Think this could be a great time for you, as their manager, to interview one-on-one a few key customers? The goal isn’t to sell them anything on these interview calls, but instead to ask them probing questions like:

– “What do you see are the biggest challenges in your marketplace today and what your sales team can be doing to be of more help?”

– “What do you like most that our competitors are doing that you wish we were doing more of?” 

– “What could help improve your business and make your life easier and even lower your risk?”

Could you be devoting more time this summer, as the leader of your sales team, to interview your top customers to discover more about your buyers than your competitors know? 

Today’s video shares how you can use your position as sales leader to uncover more (and better) ways to build buyer loyalty…so your team can sell even more!

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