When was the last time you researched your competitors?

Most believe they have a fairly strong level of competitive awareness. They know what their competitors are doing, their prices, how they sell and how they close business.

But we’re in a very fast-changing environment today. Companies continue to respond and adjust how they communicate their competitive advantage. Just because you understood how your competitors were selling and the messages they were delivering a year ago doesn’t mean they’re still saying that today.

A client was describing how their competitors sold against them, but when they did more research they learned their competitors had significantly improved how they were selling. 

What can you do to make sure you and your team have current competitive awareness and how they’re selling against you? How and when are they discounting? And how are they explaining their message of uniqueness to convince prospects to want to buy from them?

Today’s video explains the importance of competitive awareness…and what your team can be doing about it. Understanding your competitors so you can improve your sales messaging is one of the best ways to help your team sell even more!

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