Jim Pancero

What’s your sales team’s plans now that we’re getting back to normal?

Things are starting to return to normal. Salespeople are making in-person sales calls again and buyers are again interested in talking about new opportunities of how you can help their business. What are you doing, as the leader of your team, to refocus and redirect your team’s selling efforts? Join me as I share ideas […]

What’s your sales team’s plans now that we’re getting back to normal? MORE »

Buyers today are more open to talking to new vendors – Is that good news or bad news for your sales team?

Today, post-COVID, is a time of profound change in buying and selling. Buyers are looking for ways to improve their processes and lower their costs. Join me as I discuss today’s post-COVID good news (buyers are more open to listening to new suppliers) and the post-COVID really bad news (buyers are more open to listening

Buyers today are more open to talking to new vendors – Is that good news or bad news for your sales team? MORE »

Are you taking advantage of today’s latest style of coaching and leading your sales team?

Sales leadership has changed. Are you still only managing and leading to results only focusing on the transactions? Or have you evolved to today’s more successful sales leadership style focusing more on coaching to your selling processes? Join me as I share the key words, if changed, can help you become a more successful coach

Are you taking advantage of today’s latest style of coaching and leading your sales team? MORE »

How many of your sales reps still believe “Experience = Trained?”

How many of your most senior sales reps still believe “Experience = Trained” and that sales training is only for beginning salespeople? Markets and selling have changed dramatically post-COVID…so how many changes have your senior reps been making? Join me as I share what you can be doing as their sales leader to break this

How many of your sales reps still believe “Experience = Trained?” MORE »

How to successfully sell to technical buyers.

How effective are your team members when selling to a technical buyer? The ones who have done their homework, know exactly what they want, have high expectations and ask the toughest questions? Join me as I offer several immediately implemental ideas that can make your team more effective and successful when selling to their toughest

How to successfully sell to technical buyers. MORE »

How do you win business when you have NO competitive advantage?

Products and services today have much less differentiation or uniqueness in today’s hyper-competitive selling environment. Is your team having to sell product models and brands identical to your competitors? Maybe there are so many similarities your buyers see no differences? Especially enough of a difference to pay a higher price from you? Join me as

How do you win business when you have NO competitive advantage? MORE »

How (and why) are you successful as a sales manager?

The job of coaching and leading a sales team has today become a critical need and responsibility within a sales organization. Do you (or do your sales managers if you are running your company) have all the skills and awareness they need to successfully lead your sales team in today’s post-COVID selling environment? Join me

How (and why) are you successful as a sales manager? MORE »

Could your sales reps survive an “Account Information Audit”?

Have your sales reps been keeping solid information about their customers and their plans to sell them? When was the last time you checked? Join me as I share how you can quickly and easily check out a few accounts with each rep to insure you have a solid foundation of client information…so you can

Could your sales reps survive an “Account Information Audit”? MORE »

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