Sales Management Articles

Can changing your approach to sales leadership strengthen your team’s competitive selling advantage?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Shift Mgt style to more coaching" on the right.

Your leadership style has a direct impact on the success of your sales team. How much time do you spend coaching your salespeople v.s. only offering support and just telling them what to do?

Can changing your approach to sales leadership strengthen your team’s competitive selling advantage? MORE »

Do Your reps know how to get out of a sales call that’s not going very well?

Screenshot of Jim Pancero on the"Do Your reps know how to get out of a sales call that's not going very well?" video.

How effective are your salespeople at getting out of a sales call that’s not going very well? Look at all the training other Industries give their people. Astronauts do extensive training on what to do if something goes wrong. They practice how to safely escape when there’s a problem.

Do Your reps know how to get out of a sales call that’s not going very well? MORE »

Here’s the question you should be asking

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Here's the question you should be asking" on the right.

Are you asking the best questions as the coach and leader of your sales team? Your effectiveness as a sales coach is based on your ability to increase their awareness, increase their view of the direction they need to go with this account, to help them prepare and understand what kind of problems they might have on their calls.

Here’s the question you should be asking MORE »

Are you still a student of selling?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Are you still a student of selling?" on the right.

As the coach and leader of your sales team, are you a student of selling? How aware are you of the simple steps and structures of selling that can make your people more persuasive? Your job as their coach and leader is to help them discover these critical selling skills. How much selling skills coaching have you been doing lately with your team?

Are you still a student of selling? MORE »

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