Jim Pancero

Are you still managing your most senior reps under the assumption ‘Experienced = Trained?’

Graphic showing Jim Pancero in an archway with the text, "Are you still managing your most senior reps under the assumption ‘Experienced = Trained?'" to the right.

What can you do to make sure you’re not assuming “Experienced = Trained” with your team and that you continue looking for ways to refocus, retrain and re-impact your team?

Are you still managing your most senior reps under the assumption ‘Experienced = Trained?’ MORE »

Could some simple sales training help your delivery drivers to be more effective?

Graphic with image of Jim Pancero and video title text: Could some simple sales training increase the effectiveness of your drivers?

How persuasive are your delivery drivers? If your business uses delivery drivers, consider how much time they spend with your customers. Yet the majority of companies never invest in any selling or persuasive training for their drivers.

Could some simple sales training help your delivery drivers to be more effective? MORE »

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