Could using stronger sales aids increase the selling effectiveness of your team?

Today most sales reps are left to sell on their own with few sales aids other than their latest printed brochure or product write-up to help. What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to make sure your people have the most complete and persuasive message they can be communicating to their buyers? 

The reality is most salespeople only have their verbal skills supporting them in their selling efforts due to few sales aids. They have few brochures. There’s not as much printed content available today. Everything is so electronic, reps have little to leave with customers when they go on sales calls.

Your team needs support tools, like printed materials, that enhance their selling messaging. Samples are something buyers can feel and touch to be able to see and better understand what’s being presented. You can dramatically increase the persuasiveness of your team by providing more tools sales tools like literature and samples to help maximize their persuasiveness.

What can you do, as the leader of your team, to make sure your salespeople have all of the tools and sales aids necessary for them to maximize their persuasiveness?

Join me as I share how providing more persuasive sales tools can help increase your team’s persuasive effectiveness…so they can sell even more!

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