Are your reps just chasing buyer symptoms…or are they getting to the real problems?

Years ago I noticed my backyard was filled with moles. They were digging tunnels all over my yard making it look terrible.

I spent a month working with my local hardware store trying to fix my mole problem. I put poisons down the holes and set traps but still didn’t get rid of the moles. 

My uncle stopped by and asked what was wrong with my yard. I shared I had a mole problem. He replied “You don’t have a mole problem, you have a grub problem.”

He said the reason I have moles is because my backyard was infested with grubs… and moles eat grubs. He told me if I get rid of the grubs, I’ll get rid of the moles. After two weeks of treating for grubs the moles were gone.

My situation reminded me of what I’ve seen in so many salespeople. They work hard to solve their customer’s symptoms, but miss the core problem(s) causing the symptoms.

What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to discuss with your reps the difference between solving symptoms and solving actual problems?

Today’s video talks about this challenge of only solving symptoms and missing the real customer problems. When you can sell to your buyer’s problems, and not just their symptoms, you’ll sell even more!

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