What selling skills do your sales reps most need to improve?

The foundation of all selling is having strong ATTITUDE & ENERGY SKILLS dealing with rejection, always being positive and always working hard.

The second skill sets involve your OPERATIONAL SELLING SKILLS including knowledge of the steps of a sales call, how to ask questions, how to close and how to qualify.

The third skill sets include your TACTICAL skills thinking and planning multiple moves ahead.  

The fourth selling skill sets are your STRATEGIC SKILLS talking about your philosophy and positioning answering a buyer asking “Why, based on all my competitive options do I want to buy from you?” 

Most sales teams only work on the bottom two skill sets. What can you do to improve your rep’s skills in all four areas of selling? 

Join me as we talk about the four levels of selling, and how you can strengthen these skills within your team…so they can sell even more!

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