Jim Pancero

How To Coach Sales Reps On The Fundamental Structures Of A Sales Call

The job of a sales manager is to help each and every one of your people achieve more than they would have achieved if just left alone. How are you helping your people achieve even more by coaching and helping them increase their Operational or fundamental selling skills? How often are you riding along and

How To Coach Sales Reps On The Fundamental Structures Of A Sales Call MORE »

Utilizing Stronger ‘Cold Calling’ Phone Openings

NOTE: Please read Jim’s update (5/2/17) at the end of this article. His answer to the posted comments.  How are you opening up your phone calls, especially when cold calling? There’s a simple four step process you can utilize that will increase your success grabbing a prospect’s attention and positioning the reason for your call.

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Strengthening Your Strategic Selling Skills to Sell More

How strong are your strategic selling skills? Strategic selling involves increasing your competitive advantage by strengthening your ability to communicate your uniqueness, value, and competitive differential to a customer or prospect. How successful have you been explaining your competitive uniqueness and differentiation to your potential buyers? What is involved with strategic selling? So what is

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Sell More With a Strong Competitive Awareness

How high is your competitive awareness? On a scale of one to 10…with 10 being strongest…pick a number you feel most represents your current level of competitive awareness. Most experienced sales professionals identify their competitive awareness level as around a seven to nine…what’s your number? Having a comprehensive understanding of your competition and how they

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Remember to ‘Pencil Sell’ During Your Sales Presentation

Can you increase your persuasiveness when presenting your ideas to customers? A powerful idea that might be of help originally came out of the 1940’s and involves “pencil selling” as a way to get your message remembered and to help you maintain control of your sales presentation. “Pencil selling” simply means using a blank pad

Remember to ‘Pencil Sell’ During Your Sales Presentation MORE »

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