Jim Pancero

Are your reps still using the lessons of ‘The Challenger Sale?’

Graphic of Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text "Are your reps still using the lessons of 'The Challenger Sale?'"

Ever read the book “The Challenger Sale” by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson? It was one of the hottest sales books twelve or thirteen years ago that had a big impact on a lot of sales teams.

The authors did research on the best personality styles for a sales rep to have to be successful and win the most business.

Are your reps still using the lessons of ‘The Challenger Sale?’ MORE »

Are your reps just chasing buyer symptoms…or are they getting to the real problems?

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "Are your reps just chasing buyer symptoms…or are they getting to the real problems?" on the right.

What can you do, as the leader of your sales team, to discuss with your reps the difference between solving symptoms and solving actual problems?

Today’s video talks about this challenge of only solving symptoms and missing the real customer problems. When you can sell to your buyer’s problems, and not just their symptoms, you’ll sell even more!

Are your reps just chasing buyer symptoms…or are they getting to the real problems? MORE »

How to motivate unmotivated sales reps

Graphic showing Jim Pancero standing in an archway with the text, "How to motivate unmotivated sales reps" on the right.

Where are your sales reps positioned in the eyes of your customers? Too many salespeople are not functioning as trusted advisers in their customers eyes but are just seen as order takers and fulfillers of what their customers need. This is a key differentiator in selling today between the successful reps selling as trusted advisors and those struggling as order takers and reactive responders.

How to motivate unmotivated sales reps MORE »

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