A simple idea to help your reps better engage their buyers
What can you do to get your reps to be talking less by getting their buyers to do more of the talking?
A simple idea to help your reps better engage their buyers MORE »
Increasing your competitive edge
What can you do to get your reps to be talking less by getting their buyers to do more of the talking?
A simple idea to help your reps better engage their buyers MORE »
Most salespeople assume they know their customers. But how much of their awareness is based on what buyers wanted years ago?
Do you really know what your customers want and expect? MORE »
It used to be you only had to put your customer’s picture and their one paragraph testimonial on your website. Today the best testimonials are on video.
Are you posting client testimonials on your website, LinkedIn, and YouTube? MORE »
The best way to sell today is by using the old sales tools like the steps of a sales call to give you more control of your persuasiveness and having defined multiple-call sales plans. It’s getting higher, wider and deeper within an account to make sure you’re talking to the best people who will make a buying decision.
Winning with today’s new rules of selling by utilizing the old rules of sales MORE »
Have you noticed offering high quality products backed by great service is just not enough today to gain a consistent competitive edge? Today you also need to be focused on speed, simplicity and ease of use…the Amazon model.
Are you successful selling against Amazon? MORE »
Join me as I share ideas your team can be using to focus more on problems instead of just symptoms…so they can sell even more!
Have you noticed no one brings you problems today? MORE »
How can we say we’re customer-focused if we rarely even mention our buyers and their problems in our writing?
Want a simple test to make your team’s communications more persuasive and customer-focused? MORE »
What can you be doing, as the leader of your team, to have a strong balance between your positive to negative communications, even if it’s only “We know you’re trying hard?”
How positive are you as a sales leader? MORE »
What can you do to help your reps realize how late they’re entering a new buyer’s decision process today? How can you help identify the best questions to ask early in their call to identify buyer decisions already made?
Are your customers making buying decisions without your reps? MORE »
As the leader of your sales team, what are you doing to make sure your team truly understands and utilizes the more modern version of 1st lowering resistance, 2nd asking questions, 3rd presenting, 4th closing and then 5th and finally agreeing and setting up your next contact?
Who was the first to publish the steps of a sales call? MORE »